SAMR| Amended Document No.1 to JJF 1070-2023 Metrology Testing

Date: 2024-Apr-24 Source: View: 181

This amendment is approved by the State Administration for Market Regulation on April 9, 2024 and comes into force as of the date of publication.

JJF 1070-2023 Rules of Metrological Testing for Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content amended the followings:

I. Composition of labeling of net quantity

Paragraph 3 is amended to: "the numerical part of net quantity is recommended not to exceed 3 significant digits." For example, it is marked that 'Net content: 5.55 kg' ".

II. Prominence of labeling of net quantity

Amend "Net quantity shall be marked in clearly visible bold font" to "The labeling of net quantity shall be clearly visible".

III. Implementation date

The implementation date is amended to: October 12, 2024, and commodities produced or imported before the implementation date can be sold until the end of the shelf life.

Source: SAMR

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