Summary of Special Mark Contents Required on Special Food Label

Date: 2021-Jun-16 Source:Sohu View: 543

GB 29922-2013 National Food Safety Standard General Principles for Food for Special Medical Purpose (FSMP)

l  The content of nutrients and optional components per 100 kJ should be added in the nutrition information.

l  The formula features or nutrition characteristics should be described in label. Meanwhile, label should be indicated with product category, applicable people and “Not apply to non-target person for use".

l  “Please use under the guidance of doctor or clinical nutritionist” should be labeled at a prominent place on the label.

l  “The product is banned for parenteral nutrition and intravenous” should be indicated on the label.

l  It should be clearly specified on the label related to utilize production, preparation instructions and illustrations and storage conditions. When the largest surface area of the package is less than 100 cm2 or the product quality is less than 100 g, the illustration may not be labeled.

l  The instructions should be accompanied by a warning explanation about the health hazards of inappropriate preparation and use.

GB 25596-2010 National Food Safety Standard General Principles for Infant Food for Special Medical Purpose

l  The content of nutrients and optional components per 100 kJ should be added in the nutrition information.

l  The label should clearly indicate the category of infant food for special medical purpose (such as lactose-free formula) and the applicable special medical conditions.

l  Formula foods for preterm/low birth weight infants should also indicate the osmotic pressure of the product. If infant food for special medical purpose can be eaten by infants over 6 months of age, it should be marked with “complementary foods should be added when infants with special medical conditions over 6 months of age consume this product.”

l  “Please use under the guidance of doctor or clinical nutritionist” should be labeled clearly on the label.

l  The label cannot have images of babies and women, and cannot use “human emulsification”, “breast emulsification” or similar terms.

l  It should be clearly specified on the label related to utilize production, preparation instructions and illustrations and storage conditions. When the largest surface area of the package is less than 100 cm2 or the product quality is less than 100 g, the illustration may not be labeled.

l  The instructions should be accompanied by a warning explanation about the health hazards of inappropriate preparation and use.