New GBs were Issued such as Process(ed) Cheese & Cheese Products

Date: 2022-Aug-08 Source:NHC View: 1477

On July 28, 2022, NHC together with SAMR issued Announcement No. 3 of 2022, publishing 36 national food safety standards and 3 amendments.

We selected some important food standards and 3 amendments as follows:




Among them, GB 7101-2022 National Food Safety Standard Beverages, GB 13102-2022 National Food Safety Standard Concentrated Dairy Products and GB 25192-2022 National Food Safety Standard Process(ed) Cheese and Cheese Products have attracted more attention.

Antion analyzed and interpreted the key change contents of GB 25192-2022 as follows:

1. Refined the classification of process(ed) cheese products.

2. Deleted the description of emulsifying salt.

3. The proportion of cheese used in process(ed) cheese was adjusted from more than 15% to more than 50%, and the proportion of cheese used between 15% and 50% can be called "cheese products".

4. Modified the description of the raw and auxiliary materials and process of the product.

5. Added a description of sensory requirements for powder products.

6. Deleted the physical and chemical indicator requirements for fat and minimum dry matter content.

The new GB for Process(ed) Cheese and Cheese Products deleted the physical and chemical indicator requirements for fat and minimum dry matter content, which will be more conducive to the diversified development of the process(ed) cheese industry.

7. Adjusted the requirements for safety indicator.

The maximum level of contaminant "lead" has become stricter.

The maximum level of pathogenic bacteria is no longer limited by this standard alone, and is uniformly implemented in accordance with GB 29921.

The maximum level of the total plate count is relaxed, and the maximum level of yeast is deleted.

8. Refine labeling and indication requirements.

In summary, the revision of the National Food Safety Standard Process(ed) Cheese and Cheese Products makes it more appropriate to the actual development of the industry, further improves the quality of processed cheese products, enriches product categories, and promotes industry innovation and diversified development. At the same time, relevant product labelling and indication are also standardized.

We will make interpretations on GB 7101-2022 National Food Safety Standard Beverages and GB 13102-2022 National Food Safety Standard Concentrated Dairy Products, please follow us!

If you are interested in these standards, please feel free to contact us!

Hongtao Fei

Tel: 010-51301566


Source: NHC

Note: This article is compiled by Antion, please indicate our source if reprint it.