Summary of Special Mark Contents Required on Infant Food Label

Date: 2021-Jun-22 Source:Sohu View: 414

GB 10765-2010 National Food Safety Standard Infant Formula

l  Products' labeling should be subject to specifications of GB 13432 and the content labels for nutrients and optional components shall increase a new item of "100kilojoule (kJ)".

l  On the label, product category and attribute of infant formula product (such as milk-based or soybean-based product and product state) and applicable age should be indicated.

l  As to the formula food intended for infants of over 6 months old, “complementary food shall be added in case of using the product for infants of over 6 months old” shall be expressed on the label.

l  Label of the infant formula should be indicated with "the most ideal food for infants is breast milk for infants of 0-6 months; when breast milk is absent or not enough, this product can be used."

l  The label cannot have images of babies and women, and cannot use "human emulsification", "breast emulsification" or similar terms.

GB 10767-2010 National Food Safety Standard Older Infants and Young Children Formula

l  Products' labeling should be subject to specifications of GB 13432 and the content labels for nutrients and optional components shall increase a new item of "100kilojoule (kJ)".

l  On the label, product category and attribute of the older infants formula and older infants and young children formula (such as milk-based and/or soybean-based product and product state), as well as applicable age should be indicated. Label of the older infants formula should be indicated with "complementary foods should also be used".

GB 10769-2010 National Food Safety Standard Cereal-based Complementary Foods for Infants and Young Children

l  Products' labeling should be subject to specifications of GB 13432 and the content labels on nutrition information shall increase a new item of "100kilojoule (kJ)".

l  The label should indicate product category in accordance with the provisions of 4.1 to 4.4, such as "high-protein cereal-based complementary foods for infants and young children.

l  For 4.1 cereal-based complementary foods for infants and young children, the label should be marked with "It needs to be prepared with milk or other suitable liquid containing protein" or similar words.

Last week we introduced the special marking contents required on food for special medical purpose and infant food for special medical purpose, more details please check "Summary of Special Mark Contents Required on Special Food Label".