Regulators Focus on Cracking Down on Illegal Speculation

Date: 2020-Feb-10 Source:CHINESE TIMES View: 517

At present, the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus has attracted the attention of the whole country. In addition to the sales of anti-epidemic materials such as masks and disinfectant are very popular, the sales of vitamin C and other health foods have also risen sharply, and even consumers have even queued up to buy. At the same time, health foods were also included in the anti-epidemic commodity zone and appeared in the major e-commerce platforms and wechat circle of friends, and sales are good.


But it is worth noting that some businesses take advantage of the situation to exaggerate the propaganda and use the epidemic situation to hype up the product, which is said to be vitamin C and other health foods can prevent virus infection, anti-virus and so on.


"All food and health food on the market that claim to prevent the virus lack clinical evidence," according to a Guideline on the Prevention of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia issued by the Peking union medical college of the Chinese academy of medical sciences on February 4.


At present, in response to the illegal behavior of some businesses using the epidemic to hype up publicity, local market supervision authority had taken relevant measures to strengthen supervision, and launched law enforcement actions to punish a number of illegal businesses.


On January 23, Chongqing Administration for Market Regulation issued the Direct-selling Supervision Warning, requiring direct-selling enterprises in Chongqing to prohibit speculation by pneumonia, improve the awareness of compliance management, and strengthen the education and management of distributors, direct sellers and other related subjects and marketing personnel. It is strictly prohibited to combine product functions with epidemic prevention and control and virus prevention. Any violation will be dealt with strictly according to law.


Since then, Inner Mongolia Administration for Market Regulation has also issued a notice on strengthening the supervision of direct selling during the epidemic prevention and control, standardizing the direct selling behavior and strengthening the supervision of direct selling during the epidemic.


Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hunan and other provinces will take health food advertising as the key monitoring objects. On January 31, the Tianjin Administration for Market Regulation issued a notice, calling for a ban on the use of new crown epidemic for commercial speculation and the release of false and illegal advertising. Advertisements for medical treatment, medicines and health food shall be released in strict accordance with the approved content. Regulators will pursue legal liabilities for publishing false advertisements.


In Hubei province, where the epidemic has hit hardest, the Hubei Administration for Market Regulation issued a notice on February 2, saying that it is forbidden to tamper with the approved advertisements for medical treatment, drugs and health food, or to promote goods or services in the name of prevention and control of the epidemic.


For some illegal business speculation, the local regulatory authorities have also imposed severe punishment. "Lactoferrin can effectively inhibit SARS coronavirus infection, as evidenced by scientific research reports." During the fight against pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, a mother and baby store in Anyue, Sichuan province, advertised its products on WeChat moments. In response, the Anyue Administration for Market Regulation released a message on January 29, said that the mother and baby store is suspected of using the outbreak of false claims, has been put on file for investigation.


Consumers should not listen to rumors and exaggerated claims, but experts say they can also take supplements of regular vitamins and other health food. For the general public protection’s exercise and nutrition, the protection manual recommends, "During the epidemic of new coronavirus pneumonia, it is recommended to take adequate supplements of compound vitamins, minerals, deep-sea fish oil and other health food."