Q&A| Implementation of Transition of Mandatory National Standard

Date: 2024-Apr-07 Source: View: 74

Q: For the products produced in accordance with the previous version of the standard before the implementation date of the mandatory national standard, how to deal with the formal implementation of the standard, can they still be sold and circulated in the market?

A: In accordance with Article 25 of the Standardization Law, products and services that do not meet mandatory standards may not be produced, sold, imported or provided. It should be pointed out that the mandatory standards mentioned here refer to the standards currently in force. The Measures for the Administration of Mandatory National Standards stipulate that after the implementation of the new mandatory national standards, the original mandatory national standards will be abolished at the same time. In other words, after the implementation of the new mandatory standard, it means that the original mandatory standard is abolished and is no longer the current effective standard. The newly issued mandatory standards have given a certain implementation transition period, the reason for setting a transition period is not only for enterprises to carry out technological transformation, smooth transition to the production (or provision) of products (or services) that meet the new standards, but also to allow time for digestion of products already on the market. Therefore, after the implementation of the new mandatory standards, products that do not meet the requirements of the new standards cannot be reproduced, sold, and imported. After the new mandatory standard is published, it can be implemented in accordance with the new standard.

Source: SAMR

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