Basic Requirements for Sale of Health Food

Date: 2023-Dec-25 Source: View: 107

Basic requirements for marketing of health food

Anyone engaged in food sales and catering services within the territory of the People's Republic of China should obtain a food business license according to laws. Where only prepackaged foods (including special foods such as health food, food for special medical purpose, infant and young children formula milk powder and other infant formula foods) are sold, it shall be reported to the local market supervision department at or above the county level for filing.

The imported health food should be the product approved for sale by the competent department of the exporting country (region).

Basic requirements for business premises of health food

Online sales of health food should make a clear distinction between health food and general food, medicine, etc. on the web display to prevent confusion and avoid the risk of legal liability. It is prohibited to sell health food and general food or medicine at the same link or in combination.

Health food operators should mark the prompt information such as "health food is not a drug, cannot replace drugs to treat diseases" in the premises of health food, network platforms and other prominent positions.

Requirements for advertising of health food

The advertisement should state that "this product is not a substitute for medicine"; the contents should be examined and approved by the food safety supervision department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the manufacturer is located, and the approval document for health food advertising should be obtained.

Advertisements should not contain the followings:

(1) Assertions or guarantees of efficacy or safety;

(2) Involving disease prevention and treatment functions;

(3) Claims or implies that the advertised commodities are necessary for health;

(4) Comparison with medicine and other health food;

(5) The use of advertising spokespersons for recommendation and certification;

(6) Other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

Food other than health food should not be claimed to have health functions.

Source: Antion

Note: This article is compiled by Antion. Please indicate the source for reprint.