How to Sell Infant and Young Children Formula Food Online?

Date: 2023-Nov-27 Source: View: 110

General requirements for the sale of infant and young children formula food online

Qualification requirements

The sale of infant and young children formula food should be in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and obtain the license or filing before the sale.

Requirements for process management

l When purchasing infant and young children formula food, food operators should check whether the license, the factory inspection certificate of the supplier and the formula registration certificate are in conformity with the actual commodities and within the validity period. Establish a system for food purchase inspection records, and keep the records and vouchers for a period of not less than six months after the expiration date of the product; if there is no clear shelf life, the retention period should not be less than two years.

l Where a food operator finds that the operated food does not meet food safety standards or there is evidence that it may be harmful to human health, the business operation should be immediately stopped, the relevant manufacturers, operators and consumers should be notified, and the business cessation and notification should be recorded. If a food manufacturer considers that a recall should be made, it should be made immediately. Where the food sold by the food operator falls under the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph due to the reasons of the food operator, the food operator should recall it. The food manufacturer and operator should report the food recall and disposal to the food safety supervision department of the local People's government at the county level; where the recalled food needs to be treated harmlessly or destroyed, the time and place should be reported in advance.

l The sale of infant and young children formula should be placed at a special area, counter or shelves display in the business premises.

l The sale of infant and young children formula should be set up separately prompt plate, indicating "**** sale area (or counter)", which is green background, white letters, font for bold, and font size can be based on the size of the established special cabinet or special area.

l For infant and young children formula milk powder that is less than 1 month away from the shelf life, the measures such as prominent prompt or removing it from the shelves in advance should be taken. For unqualified, expired, deteriorated infant and young children formula milk powder, the measures such as off the market and harmless treatment should be taken to prevent problem products from entering the market again.

Requirements for advertising and publicity

l Advertisements for infant dairy products claiming to substitute breast milk in whole or in part should not be published in the mass media or in public places, and infant formula dairy products for infants aged 0-12 months should not be advertised.

l Advertisements in the mass media or in public places for infant dairy products, beverages and other foods claiming to substitute breast milk in whole or in part are prohibited.

Special requirements for the sale of infant and young children formula food online

Requirements for providers of third-party platforms for online transactions

l Establish systems of examination and registration of food manufacturers and operators entering, food safety self-check, stop and report of food safety violations, stop of the platform service for serious violations, handling of food safety complaints and reports, and open on the internet platform.

l Set up a special network food safety management organization or designate full-time food safety management personnel, to check the food business behaviors and information on the platform.

l Carry out real-name registration for food operators entering, clear their responsibilities for food safety management, and establish files for food manufacturers and operators entering.

l Review materials such as food production and operation licenses or filing vouchers for food manufacturers and operators entering, truthfully record and update in a timely manner

l Where illegal acts of food operators are found, they should be promptly stopped and immediately reported to the food safety supervision department of the local People’s government at county level; if serious violations are found, they should immediately stop providing online trading platform services.

l Record and preserve food transaction information, and the preservation time should not be less than 6 months after the expiration date of the product; if there is no clear shelf life, the preservation time should not be less than 2 years.

Requirements for online infant and young children formula food manufacturers and operators

l Food manufacturers and operators of infant and young children formula milk powder entering, in addition to publicizing the above information in accordance with laws, should also publicize the certificate of registration of the product in accordance with laws. Those holding an advertising review and approval number should also publicize it, and link to the data query page corresponding to the market supervision department's website.

l Food manufacturers and operators entering should not engage in the following act:

The product information of infant and young children formula milk powder published on the Internet express or imply that it has the functions or health care effects of intelligence, increasing resistance, improving immunity, protecting the intestine and so on.

Source: SAMR

Note: This article is compiled by Antion. Please indicate the source for reprint.