Interpretation| New GBs for Beverages and Concentrated Dairy

Date: 2022-Aug-15 Source:Antion View: 1794

On July 28, 2022, the National Health Commission issued 36 national food safety standards including the National Food Safety Standard Beverages (GB 7101-2022) and the National Food Safety Standard Concentrated Dairy Products (GB 13102-2022), which will be implemented on December 30, 2022. Antion analyzed and interpreted the main changes of the new national food safety standards for beverages and concentrated dairy products as follows:

GB 7101-2022 National Food Safety Standard Beverages

1. Clarified the definition of beverages

The terms and definition in new GB supplemented the requirements for the use of raw materials, and clarified that beverages should be processed. Compared with the current version, an example of "such as carbonated beverages, fruit and vegetable juices and their beverages, protein beverages and solid beverages" is used as a supplementary description to facilitate the understanding and implementation of enterprises.

2. Modified the sensory requirements and microbial limits

Combined with the current production situation of the industry, the requirement of total plate count for solid beverages is relaxed, and "concentrated beverages" were replaced with "beverage concentrates", which is convenient for enterprises to adjust production according to actual needs.

3. Modified the applicable product categories of physical and chemical indicators

The scope of application of zinc, copper and iron indicators has been modified from "metal canned fruit and vegetable juice beverages" to "metal canned fruit and vegetable juices and their beverages", which is in line with the classification of products in current food safety standards. The scope of application of physical and chemical indicators for cyanide and urease tests has been expanded. At the same time, due to the update of the test method for cyanide, the test method was changed from GB/T 5009.48 to GB 5009.36.

4. Newly added the mandatory requirements for labelling

In order to ensure consumers' right to know and facilitate their identification, the new GB requires that products with specially added strains should be marked with live (unsterilized) or non-viable (sterilized) type. Enterprises that produce and sell beverages with bacteria added should pay special attention to this requirement, because the implementation of this article will have a greater impact on product packaging and labeling.

5. Newly added the requirements for lactic acid bacteria inspection

The current standard requires that the number of lactic acid bacteria in live (unsterilized) beverage products with lactic acid bacteria should be 1,000,000CFU/g (mL), and the content of lactic acid bacteria should be indicated on the product label. On this basis, the new GB requires that the inspection method of lactic acid bacteria should be implemented in accordance with GB 4789.35.

The new GB is adjusted based on the current market situation and problems faced by the beverage industry. While ensuring food safety, the requirements of physical and chemical indicators for some products are appropriately relaxed. It also puts forward new requirements for the labeling of beverages with bacteria added, which is convenient for enterprises to produce and adjust according to their needs.

GB 13102-2022 National Food Safety Standard Concentrated Dairy Products

1. Expanded coverage of standards and refined product definitions

GB 13102-2022 modified the scope from "applicable to evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk and formulated condensed milk" to "applicable to condensed milk and concentrated milk for food industry", and added the category of concentrated milk for food industry. In addition, evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk are divided into three types of full fat, partial skim and skim, respectively, which are available to make product classification clearer. At the same time, the process description of "skimmed or not skimmed" has been added to the product definition.

2. Modified the sensory requirements

The requirements for the color, taste, odor and state of concentrated milk for food industry are added, the requirements for the state of liquid products and viscous products are subdivided, and the test method for concentrated milk for food industry is added.

3. Modified the physical and chemical indicators

Added non-fat milk solids requirements for evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk, of which the non-fat milk solids of partially skimmed evaporated milk should be 17.5 g/100 g, and that of partially skimmed sweetened condensed milk should be 20.0 g/100 g, supplemented that "the calculation of protein content should be nitrogen (N) × 6.38." Deleted the acidity requirement for formulated condensed milk, and supplemented "the calculation of protein content should be nitrogen (N) × 6.25." Newly added the physical and chemical indicator requirements for concentrated milk for food industry. This revision facilitates enterprises to strictly carry out production and operation activities in accordance with relevant requirements.

4. Modified the relevant requirements for microorganisms

GB 13102-2022 points out that "for the heat-treated concentrated milk for food industry, as well as sweetened condensed milk and formulated sweetened condensed milk, the maximum levels of pathogenic bacteria should comply with the provisions of GB 29921", deleted the limit requirements for Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella, pointed out "for non-heat-treated concentrated milk for food industry during processing, the microbial limit should comply with the provisions of GB 19301."


5. Newly added other requirements for concentrated milk for food industry

Compared with the current version, GB 13102-2022 adds the requirement that concentrated milk for food industry should be stored and transported in a refrigerated or frozen state, and should be clearly marked on the package or instruction as "heat treatment process" or "non-heat treatment process".

In a word, GB 13102-2022 is aimed at the increasing number of low-fat and skimmed condensed milk products on the market and the emergence of new raw material forms (concentrated milk for food industry) in the dairy industry, which are helpful for enterprises to better understand various categories of concentrated dairy products. At the same time, modified the sensory requirements, physical and chemical indicators, and microbial indicators, which is more convenient for the actual production operation of enterprises and is conducive to the development of the industry.

Through the interpretation, Antion hopes to help food for special medical purpose enterprises and industry-related personnel better understand the changes in regulations and standards, as well as regulatory trends, and provide reference for the next step of work. At the same time, Antion can provide services such as standards and regulations consultation and food label review. If any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Hongtao Fei

Tel: 010-51301566


Source: Antion

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