Antion Brought Wonderful Courses in Policies& Regulations Week

Date: 2020-May-21 Source:AntionGlobal View: 730

From May 7 to 14, Antion was invited by China International Natural Health & Nutrition bring live online speech during Policies & Regulations Week.


Antion introduced supervision system and detailed regulatory requirements from the aspects of imported food, food ingredient, CBEC and food advertising to reduce the compliance risk of food enterprises.


On May 7, Antion brought the first live online speech of “Introduction of Imported Food Supervision System in China”, it involves three aspects: the status analysis of imported food safety situation, the summarize of imported food safety supervision system, and the interpretation on the change trend of imported food labeling requirements.


On May 8, Antion brought the second live online speech about food ingredients management in China, which shares from current situation of food ingredients management in China and the application of novel food ingredients.


On May 12, Antion brought the third live online speech about the supervision and development of nutrition health food under the mode of cross-border e-commerce. The speech involves 3 aspects: the current situation of cross-border e-commerce supervision, the opportunities and suggestions of nutrition health food, and the development trend of cross-border e-commerce import supervision.


On May 14, Antion brought the last live online speech about food advertising supervision and release requirements, to tell domestic supervision of food advertising and cross-border platform advertising release requirements


All the live online speeches had strong response, and Antion hopes that these speeches can help enterprises solve some doubts and problems from the view of regulations and reduce compliance risks.


If you are interested in the above speech, welcome to contact us to get playback and slides! For more information on the regulation of food, please keep on paying attention to us!


Tel: +86-10-51301566
