Regulation of On-Site Verification for Special Food Registration

Date: 2020-Dec-07 Source:SAMR View: 892

On November 25, 2020, the State Administration for Regulation issued the announcement on Regulation of On-Site Verification for Special Food Registration (Interim) (hereinafter referred to as REGULATION), which aims to strengthen special food registration management and standardize on-site verification process.


According to the Food Safety Law, special food includes health food, infant and young children formula milk powder and foods for special medical purpose (FSMP). On-site verification of special food registration is a process that conducted by SAMR, to verify the research and development, production (or trial), test conditions, capacity and raw data and clinical trials of special food products or formulations, and to verify production (or trial) process and evaluate whether the registration application materials are consistent with the actual situation. Therefore, the authenticity and accuracy of registration application materials is of paramount importance.


The Regulation specifies the duties of the registered on-site inspectors and the verified enterprises in the whole on-site verification process, and clearly points out that for imported special food, the verification materials submitted by the verified enterprises should be in Chinese, and other foreign language materials required for verification should be provided with Chinese version. In addition, the verified enterprise should have translators who can supporting the translation work during the verification. If there are any mistakes caused by translation, the verified enterprise should be fully responsible.


More information about Regulation of On-Site Verification for Special Food Registration (Interim) please click 【權威】市場(chǎng)監管總局關于發布《特殊食品注冊現場(chǎng)核查工作(zuò)規程(暫行(xíng))》的公告